Friday, October 1, 2010

Who would read this stuff?

Everyday I am faced with an event or circumstance that I think to myself..."this is definitely blog worthy."  The only hard part has been, I didn't have a blog.  I have decided to take a stab at posting the random happenings of my life in hopes that someone out there can sympathize, laugh or cry with me.  You just never know what is going to happen and sometimes when things happen you just have to tell someone, this way I can tell everyone (well anyone who actually cares to read this blog)!


  1. Welcome to blog world!!! I need to get back on board and update mine.....Maybe you'll inspire me to do that! (P.s.

  2. Over time my blog has acquired readers from all over! It's so nice to have this little group of friends who listen to the ramblings of my heart, mostly without judgement. I get to share bits and pieces of our daily life and practice my very rusty writing skills!
